Posts in High School

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The wise investment of Christian education

When my children were little, I often walked them to Goffle Brook Park. It was before the park’s renovation, and at that time, the brook was easily accessible. As they played in the water on warm days, I would look out at this giant oak tree, standing tall next to the stream, and pray Psalm…

Eastern Christian School welcomes Abby Provencher

Eastern Christian School welcomes Abby Provencher as high school English teacher. Abby received a bachelor’s in English language and literature from Gordon College. She recently worked at Touch the World Ministries and is a member of Cornerstone Christian Church, where she serves on the tech and worship teams. Please tell us about yourself. I grew…

Eastern Christian School welcomes Anneliese Kuipers

Eastern Christian School welcomes back alumna Anneliese Kuipers as high school paraprofessional. A recent graduate, Anneliese earned a bachelor’s in English creative writing at William Paterson University.  Please tell us about yourself. I have lived in North Haledon for the majority of my life. After studying for two years at Calvin University, I returned to…

Eastern Christian School welcomes Madison Wynbeek 

Eastern Christian School welcomes Madison Wynbeek as sixth grade math and science teacher. An EC alumna, Madison graduated from Gordon College with a bachelor’s in elementary education. Most recently, she served as a first grade teacher at a public school in Massachusetts. Please tell us about yourself. I grew up in New Jersey and I…

Eastern Christian School welcomes William Tantum

Eastern Christian School welcomes William Tantum as high school technology teacher. William holds a bachelor’s in psychology, with a minor in education from Rutgers University, a master’s in educational technology from Ramapo College, and a master’s in educational leadership from Montclair University. Prior to teaching at Eastern Christian, he spent years in public education as…

The fall 2024 Herald is here!

Eastern Christian’s Herald is a great look at the past 6 months at EC. It includes news from all three school campuses, foundation news, alumni news, upcoming events and more! The Herald is a fantastic way for alumni and members of the current school community to learn more about what’s going on at EC. Check…

Eastern Christian School welcomes Josephine Kong

Eastern Christian School welcomes Josephine Kong as high school fine arts teacher. Josephine graduated Syracuse University with a B.F.A. in Art Education.  Please tell us about yourself. My name is Josephine Kong and I was born in California, but grew up in New Jersey. I love to create, whether that's through baking and cooking or…

Eastern Christian School welcomes Christine Matias

Eastern Christian School welcomes Christine Matias as high school mathematics teacher. Christine holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and elementary education and a master’s in education–special education, both from Monmouth University. Christine has spent her professional career serving as a middle school and high school mathematics teacher. After eleven years in public education, Christine felt…

Eastern Christian School welcomes Justin Hwang

Eastern Christian School welcomes Justin Hwang as high school dean of students. Justin holds a bachelor’s in mathematics and secondary education from The College of New Jersey and a master’s in educational leadership from Ramapo College of New Jersey. Before joining EC, he previously taught math at Leonia High School and coached varsity boys tennis. …

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